Climate protection contribution


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Make your contribution to climate protection

Help us to further improve book production. We invest and optimize a lot to avoid CO2. Unfortunately, measures to avoid CO2 require time or technical solutions that are not yet available. Our suppliers are also working on CO2 avoidance. Unfortunately, not all CO2 emissions can be avoided at present.

So invest now in your contribution to climate protection and we will invest in new technologies and certificates from our partner First Climate. This partner uses your contribution in climate protection projects all over the world.

In the overview you can see the projects we support as well as more detailed information from our partner First Climate.



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Cambodia: Clean drinking water

Water filters secure supply and reduce fuel consumption
According to a report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, water scarcity will be one of the most acute environmental problems in Southeast Asia in the near future. Among the many driving factors of this development are the overuse of groundwater, strong population growth and the decline of the Mekong River and the Red River.

Cambodia is located on the Gulf of Thailand and on the upper reaches of the Mekong River Delta and is therefore acutely exposed to these dangers. Furthermore, the existing water in Cambodia is polluted. Due to inadequate sanitation methods and the lack of a centralized infrastructure, over 66% of the population does not have access to clean drinking water. Above-ground water of poor quality and rainwater stored in tanks are among the main sources of water for household consumption. A quarter of the population does not treat the water before consumption in any way. If the water is treated, the predominant method consists mainly of boiling the water using firewood or, more rarely, charcoal.

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India: Run-of-river power at the foot of the Himalayas

The Indian state of Sikkim in the northeast of the subcontinent is very sparsely populated and has so far had only a low economic output in national comparison. The main source of income is agriculture. For some years now, however, the industrial sector has also been developing in Sikkim - the annual growth rate of the economy is among the highest in all of India. As a result, the demand for electrical energy is also increasing. The expansion of the energy infrastructure is not only an important pillar for the further economic development of the state, but it also helps to improve the standard of living of the local people. Sikkim relies heavily on renewable energies.

Due to its location on the southern edge of the Himalayas, Sikkim has great potential for hydroelectric power generation. Many water-rich rivers, which originate from the mountain glaciers, run through the country from north to south, and there are already several hydroelectric plants producing environmentally friendly electricity. The run-of-river power plant of the state-owned NHPC on the Teesta River is by far the most powerful of these plants. Three 170 MW turbines provide around 2600 GWh of clean electricity annually - enough to power several million northern Indian households.

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Peru: Avoided deforestation

Sustainable forestry in the Amazon region of Madre de Dios
The Amazon rainforest still covers an area of over 8 million square kilometers today. This corresponds to about twenty times the area of Germany. In recent decades, however, deforestation has progressed rapidly through clearing for agriculture and illegal logging.

The province of Madre de Dios is located in the Peruvian Amazon basin in an originally extremely isolated location. Since August 2011, however, the region is cut through by the Transoceánica Highway. Over a length of 2,600 kilometers, the road closes the gap between the Brazilian part of Amazonia in the east and the ports on Peru's Pacific coast in the west. The experience of the past decades shows that deforestation through clearing for agriculture and illegal logging progresses rapidly as soon as first aisles improve accessibility.

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Bangladesh: Cooking Oven Program

In Bangladesh, more than one in three of the country's roughly 164 million inhabitants lives below the poverty line. Poverty is particularly high in rural areas. According to the IEA, around 135 million Bangladeshis have no access to clean cooking facilities, which corresponds to around 84% of the country's total population. 90% of Bangladeshi households cook in simple mud stoves or on open fireplaces. These traditional cooking methods pose a number of problems: The fuels used, such as wood or dung, are burned inefficiently. Much of the heat generated is lost unused. Inefficient combustion means that large quantities of fuel are required. In the case of wood fuels, this means that local forests are often threatened by uncontrolled logging.

In addition, the development of toxic fumes can cause serious health problems. This is especially true for women and children, as they spend most of their time at home. Respiratory diseases are the second leading cause of death in Bangladesh. Inefficient traditional cooking methods are also a major source of CO2 emissions, contributing to the acceleration of climate change.

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Mexico: Electricity from landfill gas

In August 2008, the six Mexican border states, the State of California, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, and the environmental organization Climate Action Reserve jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that provides the framework for an agreement to jointly develop protocols to quantify and verify greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects in Mexico.

The landfill gas-fired power plant installed in the city of Monterrey is a success story for Mexico and Latin America. The Monterrey I LFG to energy project has been in operation since 2003. The plant provides electricity for lighting seven municipalities around Monterrey, including the city itself. It also powers the local e-train for public transportation and other government buildings. To reach end users, the energy generated is fed into the power grid of the state electricity company CFE (Comisión Federal de Electricidad).

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Paths to climate protection

CO2 compensation and green power procurement for companies
Climate change and voluntary CO2 compensation

The Paris Agreement of 2015 is considered a milestone in international climate protection efforts. In it, the signatory states commit themselves to the goal of limiting global warming to below 2 °C.

The agreement comes into force in 2020. However, in order to keep global warming below the agreed target, climate protection efforts must be intensified in the short term. The Paris Accord therefore opens up new opportunities for voluntary climate protection commitments and expressly supports corresponding initiatives by industry.

Therein lies great potential: According to estimates by the RE100 initiative, a switch by the private sector to 100% renewable energies alone would save up to 15% of global CO2 emissions.

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Communicating climate protection correctly

The right communication on the way to climate protection

Implementing or supporting climate protection measures themselves is one of the best ways for companies to demonstrate their commitment to the environment. In addition, such a commitment can help to win the long-term support of particularly environmentally conscious stakeholders. Reducing a company's own CO2 emissions therefore not only helps the climate, it also creates new business opportunities.

The vast majority of our customers have decided to pursue a long-term climate protection strategy. This creates credibility, which is the basis for successful communication in the area of climate protection.

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