Data delivery


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Data delivery


  1. Line widths are at least 0.4 pt (0.15 mm) thick for screened lines and at least 0.15 pt (0.06 mm) thick for solid lines.
  2. All fonts used are included or embedded in the data.
  3. You can supply up to 5 exchange pages as individual PDF documents. From 6 exchange pages we would like you to send us a completely new PDF.
  4. CopyDot data is unsuitable for digital printing if it contains pre-screened images or areas. If only redigitized texts and solid line images are present, there is no problem. If in doubt, send us test data for evaluation.
  5. Data is PDF/X-4:2010 compliant, has been produced using CPI joboptions, and the output intent matches the intended print production, e.g. FOGRA52.
  6. Image resolutions are min. 225 dpi for halftone images.
  7. Line images have a resolution of min. 600 dpi, better 1200 dpi.
  8. Please inform us in advance if your print data does not comply with our guidelines (e.g. low image resolution).
  9. Crop marks have the minimum distance of 3 mm, better 10 mm from the final format.
  10. Names of spot colors do not contain special characters, umlauts or punctuation marks.
Your data can be processed without any additional effort if the correct bleeds, formats and already correct position of headers and gutters are observed. This sketch clarifies the terms for a correct specification of the production parameters.
  1. All pages in the delivered documents are the same size.
  2. The layout net format (trim box) corresponds to the desired book block format.
  3. Bleeds are created with 3 mm or more.
  4. Header and gutter in the data are aligned with the publisher.
  5. Imprint, vacancy and advertisement pages are included and have the correct page status.
  6. Layout elements have the necessary distance of 3-4 mm to the page margin (e.g. marginalia, tab texts, etc.)
  7. Standard text has a tonal value of 100% area coverage in PDF. 100% black can become 96% gray if a color space transformation is performed during PDF export. For more info, contact our prepress teams.
  8. Tonal values of B&W images are between 2%-98%.
  1. Black elements are overprinted, larger font sizes and other objects overlaid on multicolored backgrounds are omitted.
  2. Spine width/format/allowance are created according to CPI elevation.
  3. EAN code is black 100% created as vector or line graphics (min. 600 dpi).
  4. Wrapping allowance for covers is 17 mm, bleed otherwise 3 mm.
  5. CMYK images may have a maximum color area coverage of 300%.
  6. The colors are B/W, CMYK or created as spot colors.
  7. Open data incl. images and fonts are attached
  8. CMYK elements on metallic or luminous colors save out, so they are not overprinting.
  1. Varnish and embossing data are not grayscale, but at least 1200 dpi line or vector graphics.
  2. For embossed data, positive lines must be at least 0.15 mm thick. Negative lines must be at least 0.25 mm thick. There must be at least 0.25 mm between lines.
  3. Elements that are embossed with colored hot foil must not be omitted.
Two printing units are required for applying the foil. In the first printing unit, a special adhesive is applied to the paper via the inking roller system and a conventional offset plate in accordance with the motif. The level of detail corresponds to that of an offset plate. In the second printing unit, the foil is transferred via a winding and unwinding unit. For this purpose, the foil is passed between the blanket and the impression cylinder. The pressure of the blanket transfers the foil to the areas that have previously been provided with adhesive. In the following printing units, the substrate can be printed with the foil applications.

1. The cold foil runs as the first color, i.e. all other colors print onto the cold foil. Therefore, an overfill is applied, which is lower than with normal printing inks, but also depends on the color that borders the foil.
  1. Standard trapping: 0.2 pt
  2. Trapping to dark colors (black, dark blue, dark green, etc.): 0.3 pt
  3. Trapping to light colors (beige tones, light yellow, pastel tones): 0.15 pt
2. A tone that prints on the cold foil is worked 1 : 1 i.e. no overfilling (e.g. a gold tone from magenta and yellow as a gold foil substitute)

3. Very small and fine texts, elements and line widths can be printed precisely e.g. text in 2.5 pt and line widths 0.1 mm

4. Cold foil can be printed rasterized (gradients and images):
  1. minimum halftone value from 10 % (values below this cannot be guaranteed to be kept in print)
  2. maximum halftone value up to 80 % (values above this cannot be guaranteed to be kept open in printing.
5. The cold foil is treated like a spot color and must be included in the print file. It must not be created as a separate file, as this makes it impossible to check the data.

KFS = Cold foil silver (is displayed blue – created as spot color in 100% cyan)
KFG = Cold foil gold (is displayed green – applied as spot color in 100% cyan + 100% yellow)
We need 1 PDF for each color section page.

Color cut top = Buchtitel_A.pdf
Color cut outside = Buchtitel_B.pdf
Color cut bottom = Buchtitel_C.pdf

SIZE 3-sided color cut *
Width of the PDF = Net block thickness (not spine width) plus 1 mm each on the left and right
Height of the PDF = Page height or page width plus 1.5 mm each on the head and foot Please note: for digital front color trim, the PDF must be 1.5 mm high at the top (header) and 1.5 mm high at the bottom (footer) (total 3 mm) + format height.

Example: Block thickness = 33 mm, Page size = 120 x 190 mm
PDF for top and bottom color cut = 35 x 123 mm (Trimbox = 33 x 120 mm)
PDF for color cut outside = 35 x 193 mm (Trimbox = 33 x 190 mm)

SIZE 1-sided color cut, (e.g. front color cut) *
Width of the PDF = Net block thickness (not spine width) plus 1 mm each on the left and right
Height of the PDF = Page height plus 3.5 mm each on the head and foot
Please note: for digital front color trim, the PDF must be 3.5 mm high at the top (header) and 3.5 mm high at the bottom (footer) (total 7 mm) + format height.
Example: Block thickness = 33 mm, Page size = 120 x 190 mm
PDF for color cut outside = 35 x 197 mm (Trimbox = 33 x 190 mm)

* For unlaminated envelopes, note that the data for the color cut cannot be printed all the way to the edge.
Flap brochures: Edge protrusion max. 0.5 mm protruding.

The PDF must not contain crop marks!

Please layout all 3 pages in portrait format, standing up as shown here.

Zur Vermeidung von Rückfragen benötigen wir auch ein PDF oder Foto zur Visualisierung des gewünschten Druckergebnisses. Use the layout sketch as a guide and feel free to use our stand sheet template to show us how you would like the color cut to look.

The output condition in PDF/X-4 should be identical to the values in the PDF for the cover, so the color structure for the digital 4C color cut is adopted unchanged from the cover. In the print result, it is impossible to guarantee that the color reproduction in the color cut is identical to the cover print due to the different materials for the cover and book block and due to the different printing processes. But we are close!

The resolution of image data should have the same quality as in the cover data, i.e. 300 ppi or better. If line art is used for the color cut, it is fine to have a resolution of 1600 ppi, as this is the printer resolution. If the resolution is 1200 ppi, this is also fine.
We need an image for the front trim (outside), also as a PDF.

Color cut outside = book_title_integrated_color_cut.pdf

Width of the PDF = 1.5 of the net block thickness (not spine width)
Height of the PDF = Page height plus 2 mm each on the head and foot
Example: Block thickness = 33 mm, Page size = 120 x 190 mm
PDF for color cut outside = 49.5 x 194 mm (Trimbox = 49.5 x 190 mm)

The PDF must not contain crop marks!

The output condition in the PDF/X-4 should be identical to the values in the PDF for the cover, so the color composition for the digital 4C color cut is adopted unchanged from the cover.
Due to the different materials for the cover and book block and the different printing processes, it is not possible to guarantee that the color reproduction in the color cut is identical to the cover print. But we are getting close!

The resolution of the image data should have the same quality as in the cover data, i.e. 300 ppi or better.
Rule catalog for the prevention of problems
click to enlarge
The delivery of print data in PDF/X format is explicitly welcomed but not required. We will continue to accept your professionally produced high-end PDFs. Since the use of this document transfer standard does not automatically mean that the data is error-free from a printing point of view, we would like to provide a few tips on production here:

It is important to understand the background and complex relationships that play a role in PDF/X output. This is the only way to avoid operating errors. A major misconception is that a PDF/X is automatically a perfect and error-free print PDF, because it can contain image data with 72 dpi resolution without a warning, for example. We do not want to reinvent the wheel and therefore recommend reading the relevant articles in the CLEVERPRINTING Handbook 2016

We prefer the PDF/X-4:2010 format. Our CPI export format for PDF/X-4 generates data with CMYK and spot colors, layers and transparencies are also allowed. Any elements used in RGB are converted to the CMYK target color space, thus saving the path via Photoshop. The manufacturer of the data should know and understand the interrelationships in the color space transformation using ICC profiling, otherwise undesirable effects such as color location shifts cannot be ruled out. Download our PDF/X-4:2010 export formats for all common output conditions here.

Just as important as using the correct PDF export format (.joboptions) is that the color settings and color profiles in InDesign and Photoshop are configured correctly and thus match the paper to be printed! Download our color settings for all common FOGRA standards including the corresponding ICC profiles. If you are a graphic designer or typesetter and have not received color profile instructions for your current job, please ask the publisher for this important information.

Paper type PT = old PS = newTonal value sum (TWS)Profile description (NPscreen = Non Periodic Screen = FM-Raster)Characterization
PS 1300 %PSO Coated v3 (replaces F39 for new data)FOGRA51
PT 1,2300 %ISO Coated v2 300 (ECI) (for old data i. O.)FOGRA39
PT 4300 %PSO Uncoated ISO12647 (ECI)FOGRA47
PS 5300 %PSO Uncoated v3 (FOGRA52) (supplements F47)FOGRA52
PT 5ISO Uncoated YellowishFOGRA30
PT 1,2300 %PSO Coated 300 NPscreen ISO 12647 (ECI)FOGRA43
PT 4300 %PSO Uncoated NPscreen ISO 12647 (ECI)FOGRA44
The new profile “PSO Coated v3” replaces the old FOGRA39 profile “ISO Coated v2 300%(ECI)”. Older stock data that still comply with the FOGRA39 standard may be transferred unchanged.

“PSO Uncoated v3 (FOGRA52)” is a supplement to FOGRA47. If the uncoated paper to be printed contains a sufficient amount of optical brighteners, the new standard should be used. Otherwise, FOGRA47 is still a valid standard. Information on the new standard can be found here.

The output condition should always match the paper class specified in the print job. Currently, these are mostly FOGRA47/52 or FOGRA39/51, see also table above.

If you are unsure which profile or standard fits the particular paper mentioned in the order, you can find a list here, which is regularly expanded.
Generally, no color samples are required; printing is carried out at all offset locations according to the PSO standard. If your data contains the correct print profiles this means for you that exactly the color described in the print file is reproduced on the printed product. Thus, with your print file the instruction for the printing process is exactly described. More information about the print profiles can be found here.
If it is desired to print according to color samples supplied, these must correspond to the printing condition and paper coloring and be metrologically in order. If this is not the case, printing will be carried out according to PSO standard. For reprints of products that have already been produced in other printing houses, printing according to PSO Standard must be selected in any case. If the print has to be adjusted to the previous edition, additional costs will be incurred. Please discuss this with your customer consultant in advance.
CPI assumes no liability for the correct printing reproduction of public domain fonts, as the use of these free fonts has repeatedly led to unpleasant results in the past. If you use public domain fonts, they must be converted to paths in the layout program before the print PDF is written.

In addition, CPI assumes no liability for correct print reproduction when using the operating system fonts Courier-Italic, Courier-Oblique and Charter-Italic. There is a risk of incorrect display of individual glyphs and missing individual letters or entire paragraphs. These problems do not occur with purchased fonts. If you need to use the mentioned fonts, it is essential that they are converted to paths before the print PDF is written.

Never merge multiple PDF documents into one PDF document. The trim boxes may differ within the new document and so imposition problems may occur.

When using multi-channel images, output as PDF/X-4:2010 is mandatory, otherwise these images may be reproduced incorrectly in digital printing.
Prerequisite is a working internet access, a modern browser (Safari, FireFox, Chrome etc.) and activated JavaScript. Do not use an FTP client.

CPI Clausen & Bosse GmbH
CPI Ebner & Spiegel GmbH
CPI Moravia Books s.r.o.

You will receive the username and password from your personal customer service.

Please create a ZIP archive,
  1. if you want to upload more than 5 individual files, or
  2. if you want to upload open data/images/font.
Punctuation marks, dots, spaces and umlauts are not permitted in the naming! Subsequent modification or deletion of your data is not possible, but you can always send your data several times with the appropriate comments.
  1. All print data contains a trimbox
  2. The layout net format (trim box) corresponds to the desired book block format
  3. Integrate fonts and convert them into contours
  4. Maximum paint application 280%
  5. Resolution images min. 200 dpi, line images min. 600 dpi
  6. Transparency flattening in high resolution (PDF-X1a – PDF-X3)
  7. Trim allowance min. 3 mm
  8. Elements without bleed Minimum distance to page margin 5 mm
  9. Cutting marks none
  10. Imprint, vacancy and advertisement pages are included and have the correct page status
  11. Extents that are not technically feasible are filled with blank pages
  12. Data is supplied in the CMYK color space in accordance with the current FOGRA standards for the paper class
  13. Black and white images are supplied in grayscale
  14. Text color corresponds to 100%
  15. Line thicknesses are at least 0.4 pt (0.15 mm) for rasterized lines and at least 0.15 pt (0.06 mm) for solid lines
  16. Resolution for varnish and embossing data 1200 dpi for halftone, 600 dpi for line images
  17. No PANTONE and HKS colors, it will be printed in 4c, if delivered then automatic conversion
  18. If FSC order then FSC label from CPI

Your contact persons in our prepress departments