CPI commits to meeting ambitious climate targets

CPI commits to meeting ambitious climate targets

The printing group's CO2 emissions are to be reduced to zero by 2050.

As one of Europe's leading book printing companies, CPI has set itself ambitious targets to completely reduce its CO2 emissions. To achieve this, the Group has joined the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) with its 15 production sites in five different European countries.

The SBTI is an association of several institutions that support companies in reducing their emissions on the basis of scientifically sound findings. The goal: to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement.

By participating in the program, CPI commits to setting its own reduction targets within two years. These will be validated and published by SBTI with an interim target by 2030 and a net zero target by 2050.

Chris Malley, CEO of the European CPI Group, announced the project at the London Book Fair: "We are proud to be one of the first companies in the industry to set and announce ambitious and science-based climate targets. This step at company level forms the basis for the implementation of all further measures at our sites and in our daily work. As an energy- and resource-intensive company, we place the highest value on open and transparent communication of our climate efforts to customers and business partners. In this way, we set standards for sustainability and environmental protection in book production that we will continue to be measured against in the future."

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