Kategorie: Books

Manga paperbacks

Manga paperbacks

We often produce manga paperbacks where a dust jacket needs to be folded over. Until now, this always had to be done manually, but now we can also do it mechanically. An extension to the fullflap system has now been made on the SU machine on the K1 bookline, which enables the automatic folding of SU around the TB covers. The machine is running perfectly and we can now produce the mangas for our customers even faster.

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Manga is booming!

Manga is booming!

Mangas have long since conquered bookstores and have become an indispensable part of the market. According to 'buchreport.express Nr.2', comics (+30%) and manga books (+75%) show an extraordinary growth dynamic. They now account for over 9% of the fiction market. The CPI Group also produces mangas for well-known publishers, in many formats and a wide variety of layouts.

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It is our great pleasure to announce that CPI Moravia has been successfully ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified. After a thorough preparation phase, an excellent external consultant and a super good team, it is now done.

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Photo (left to right):
- Chief Auditor Mr. Görner
- Auditor Mrs. Pušová
- Milan Vesely, Environmental Officer
- Our consultant Mrs. Hradecká
- Mr. Slawatycki, Management Board

Eco laminating films

Eco laminating films

These are our eco laminating films, which are robust, scratch-resistant, versatile and high quality.

The very special thing about them is that the film is made from renewable raw materials, decomposes in the recycling process and can even be composted in the home garden. We will be happy to provide you with a quote for the eco-laminating films.

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